Introducing: Intentional and Imperfect

(taken from an Instagram post I shared on March 30, 2021)

Although we are all multidimensional individuals, I feel like social media has conditioned us to box ourselves and others into narrow categories. Creators are rewarded when we “niche down” and curate our pages to fit certain themes—sustainability, education, fashion, skincare, recipes, etc. And it makes sense; as followers, we want to know exactly what we can expect from someone. Don’t get me wrong, I love a themed page (and have 9 private IGs, each with their own theme 😜), but as @katrinastacie is my one public account, I’ve been trying to navigate how I want to use my platform for the last couple of years.

Originally, it was a space to shamelessly share pics, random thoughts, and promote my YouTube channel, which led people I knew in real life and new online friends to follow along. Then, I started to track my journey towards ‘sustainable’ living and related accounts started to follow. But as I started unlearning many of my own mistakes and misconceptions with sustainability, I started posting less in order to allow myself to do the necessary mental work first. Last summer, I shared my daily teaching reflections and other teachers started to follow, but I didn’t end up teaching this year, so no more teaching posts. With no direction or theme and an eclectic group of followers, I felt a lot of anxiety.

I’m just brain dumping at this point, but I want to share my new mission for my platform: intentional and imperfect living in all facets of my life. 🌿 I’m not famous, I’m not a full-time creator, I’m not zero waste, I’m not vegan/vegetarian, I’m not a minimalist, I don’t live an IG aesthetic life, I’m not a teacher yet, I’m not an expert in anything.. I’m just a gal who is constantly learning, unlearning, and trying to do better and find joy amidst it all.. and that’s ok with me right now. 🙂

Lol all that’s to say... I’m excited to have coined the hashtag #intentionalandimperfect and would like to share it with y’all! 🤗 Feel free to use it in a way that makes sense for you! Perfection is an impossible goal, but if we can all slow down and add a bit more awareness and intention into our days, maybe we can make better choices for ourselves, our circles, our communities, and our planet. 💛


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